We believe

  1. That student exiting BBEMS should read, write, compute and speak to the best of their abilities.
  2. That each student’s lifelong love of learning will be enhanced.
  3. In providing opportunities for maximum achievement and continuously searching for effective service delivery.
  4. That all students, staff and families have dignity, value and worthwhile promoting individualism and self-esteem for all.
  5. That shared participation and mutual responsibility is the expectation of the educational system and the partnership which will be established with the community.


Rules & Regulations

The children need to come to school on time. The children are expected to be in school 5 minutes before the school time. Absences – Attendance at the School is extremely important. Absences must be kept to an absolute minimum to ensure success in school. Parents may send an absent note the next day, if a child is going to be absent that day. Absent days are totalled at the end of the academic year and form part of the report card which is handed on to parents. It is important when parents contemplate a holiday to make every effort to avoid taking a child out of school during term time. Holidays should be arranged to coincide with the published holidays appearing in the School calendar/planner. Teachers are NOT required to provide work for pupils absent due to holidays and parents should be aware that an extended absence may place the child at a disadvantage in relation to peers who attend regularly. The School reserves full rights to disqualify a student from appearing his/her Final examinations if the required attendance criteria are not fulfilled.

Above 90%  Excellent

Below 60% Disqualified for Final Examination (as it would mean, as evidence, that the child is not academically prepared to write the final examinations) 

Persistent lateness can also have a detrimental effect on a child’s education and can disturb the concentration and learning of the rest of the class when the child arrives. Lateness should be avoided at all times. Any pupil arriving late will be marked in his/her calendar. Lateness is also recorded as part of the reporting process. In the event of a member of staff being absent due to illness or professional development, another teacher will teach your child’s class. To ensure continuity, the covering teacher will follow the lesson plans prepared by him/her for their respective syllabus.

  • It is important for students to have a minimum of 90 % attendance for the entire academic year.
  • It is mandatory for students to attend the first (1st) and the last day of school (i.e. before and after every vacation). If for some unavoidable reasons they are unable to do so, a written permission needs to be obtained from the Principal before the child can attend the academic session.
  • For any other day of absence the parents should submit a written explanation in diary.
  • If sick leave is being mentioned and it is for more than 3 days, the parent should submit a doctor's certificate.
  • In order to participate in athletic or other extra-curricular activities after school or in the evening of a school day, the student must be in attendance for the entire day on which the activity takes place.
  • No half days or early leave for students will be permitted.
  • When a long term absence is anticipated, parents/guardians should obtain written permission from the DIRECTORS / Head Mistress.
  • No leave will be granted for family vacations, festivities, ceremonies, overseas trips, etc.
  • No assessments, tests, examinations will be rescheduled or re-conducted to accommodate students’ absence.
  • Students are expected to come to school on all days in complete uniform including socks and suggested school shoes, except on the days when informed otherwise
  • On the days where the child goes for sports Activities, he/she should wear the sports uniform.
  • The students are expected to wear their ID Cards at all times.
  • School Uniform :- All pupils are expected to wear the uniform described as follows. Should a pupil not be wearing the correct uniform, a standard remark will be written in his/her School diary indicating which item of clothing does not conform with requirements and the student will be sent back home immediately.
  • The school provides sports uniform and blazer besides the regular school uniform. School shoes (black) and socks (standard length)
  • Uniforms are the reflections of school's discipline, integrity and pride. Adherence to complete and clean uniform is once again your obligation. Penalties are laid down if the importance of uniforms is overlooked by any student. Parents are requested to join us in our endeavours to inculcate the best morals in our children where uniforms play a pivotal role.
  • Jewellery - Pupils are not allowed to wear jewellery except for a wrist watch, small stud earrings (only girls) and jewellery which is worn for religious purposes.
  • GROOMING General
  • A student's personal appearance is the responsibility of the student and the parents, but is of vital concern for BBEMS especially when the appearance or personal grooming habits are disruptive to the functioning of the school. Administrators reserve the right to make decisions concerning appropriate dress
  • Students should present themselves neatly and well-groomed.
  • Students should maintain high levels of personal hygiene.
  • Clothing that is inappropriate or that exposes chest, shoulders, bare midsection or buttocks are not permitted. The shirt and pants must have constant overlap with normal posture and movement: midriff should not be visible.
  • Any extra attire beyond uniforms including jewellery, sunglasses, hats, scarves, bandanas, stocking/skull caps, sweat/sports bands, long earrings, chains pendants, rings or bracelets fancy watches/ expensive watches, bangles etc. will not be permitted.
  • Girls :
  • Girls may wear simple studs or small thin round earrings
  • Ribbons/hair bands must be blue/white.
  • Hair should be worn neatly and plaited or worn in two ponytails if below shoulder length
  • Nail polish or long nails or mehandi application on hands will not be allowed.
  • Colouring of hair will not be permitted.
  • Boys
  • Boys are not permitted to wear earrings or ear studs.
  • The hair should be cut short and not fall over the collar or over the forehead.
  • No fancy hairstyles will be allowed
  • Colouring of hair will not be permitted.
  • Note: If on any religious grounds any of the above cannot be followed, written permission from the Head Mistress of the school will have to be obtained.

General Comments on Behaviour Without parental support and involvement in matters of discipline, the School would have great difficulty in helping pupils with behavioural difficulties. In the event of major problems, the Head of the school will consult with parents and involve them with the relevant staff in dealing with the matter. In the event of a pupil damaging property non-accidentally that belongs to either the School or to another pupil, a charge for replacement may be levied in very severe case the school reserves the right to discontinue the pupil from attending school sessions However the School does not accept responsibility for personal items last on the premises

  • All students are responsible to the school authorities for their behaviour both in and outside the school.
  • Any indiscipline on the part of the students shall render them liable for disciplinary actions.
  • Fighting bullying creating disturbances denying use of facilities to others and or acting in such a manner as to risk injury to others, using threats or intimidation against other theft or any other unlawful activity will not be permitted.
  • Students must respect the property of others, including keeping all books, facilities, equipment and other materials used in the school in good condition and refrain from damaging school property and/or the property of others. No student should scratch or spoil the desks or chain school furniture or fixtures, curtains, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way dame things belonging to others.
  • Care should be taken to keep the school clean at all times. Litter must be disposed in the dustbins provided.


    • Labelled School Bag, Student ID Card, School Diary
    • Simple compass box with sharpened pencils, eraser, ruler, sharpener, etc.
    • Water bottle
    • Homework
    • Snacks Tiffin / Lunch Tiffin.
    • Labelled School Bag, Student ID Card, School Diary
    • Simple compass box with sharpened pencils, eraser, ruler, sharpener, etc.
    • Geometry box
    • Homework
    • Snacks Tiffin / Lunch Tiffin.

    Things not to be carried to school

    • Expensive and flashy items like fancy watches, jewellery, pens, etc.
    • Electronic items like IPods, Cell phones, Discman/Walkman, PSP, Game boy
    • CDs, CD Players, Hand held video games, etc.
    • Toys, balls, and sporting equipment not related to school activities.
    • Inappropriate books, magazines, cassettes, etc. with racist, communal or obscene literature or images.

    In the event that these items are found with the children, they will be confiscated and not returned under any circumstances. Disciplinary action will be taken as deemed fitby the school authorities.

    • Expensive and flashy items like fancy watches, jewellery, pens, etc.
    • Electronic items like IPods, Cell phones, Discman/Walkman, PSP, Game boy
    • CDs, CD Players, Hand held video games, etc.
    • Toys, balls, and sporting equipment not related to school activities.
    • Inappropriate books, magazines, cassettes, etc. with racist, communal or obscene literature or images.

    In the event that these items are found with the children, they will be confiscated and not returned under any circumstances. Disciplinary action will be taken as deemed fitby the school authorities.


      There is no curriculum at the nursery stage as such but a series of Early Learning Goals in six major areas of learning. There are

      • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
      • Communication, Language and Literacy
      • Mathematical Development
      • Knowledge and Understanding of the world
      • Physical Development
      • Creative Development

      These together lay secure foundations ideal for a spirit of learning

      Our Primary Curriculum focuses on the following subjects:

      • English (First Language)
      • Hindi (Second Language)
      • Marathi (Third Language) – Grade 1 onwards
      • Mathematics / Number Work
      • Science
      • Social Science
      • Computer Studies (ICT)
      • Value Education PSHE- Personal Social Health Education
      • Art and Design
      • Physical Education

      Additional Subjects 

      • Music/Singing
      • Dance
      • Sports (Indoor and Outdoor Games)
      • English
      • Hindi
      • Marathi
      • Mathematics
      • Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
      • Social Studies (History, Political Science, Geography, Disaster Management, and Economics)
      • Co Scholastic Area: ICT Theory, ICT Practical Music Creative Writing. First Aid and Yoga

      The primary curriculum of BBEMS is based on the ideas, theories and practices prevalent internationally. Our dedicated curriculum team incorporates these ideas, theories and practices within the learning objectives and standards set out by relevant authorities.

      The curriculum encourages social development technical skills and a sound knowledge base in each grade students are exposed to a broad range of historical scientific, and cultural topics that builds on one another to prepare them for later educational success.

      BBEMS tries to develop cultural literacy in a way that is systematic but leaves room for creativity for both teacher and student. This curriculum eliminates the lacunae and repetition that characterized a curriculum which is based on text books and traditional teaching methods. The latest teaching methodologies and pedagogies are incorporated to effectively deliver the curriculum and create an ideal environment for learning

      The assessment in primary section is informal and continuous based on a combination of in class observations and formal work done by the students. The assessments will evaluate the level of skill achievement and attainment of learning goals for each subject as well as the social and cultural development of the students. The assessment criteria fulfil recommendations laid down by the CBSE at this stage the school does not follow a ranking system. Progress reports of the child will be discussed during PTMs. Final report t cards will only be issued at the end of the academic year.

      The curriculum in the secondary section is more specific and focused the various aptitude and strength of Individual students are further identified and honed thus they are encouraged to focus on the areas of interest and skills, thus preparing them for future challenges and the relevant certification. The curriculum is enhanced with teaching aids and experiential learning through projects and field work.

      The assessment system in the middle and  Secondary section moves to a formal examination system. The formal assessment is introduced from Grade VI onwards. The system will evaluate skills acquired and attainment of learning goals for each subject. The assessment criteria fulfil all the recommendations laid down by the CBSE. The school does not follow a ranking system. Progress reports of the child will be discussed during PTMs. Final report cards will only be issued at the end of the academic year.

      Foster an amicable & fruitful relationship between students, parents, teachers, school management & society.

      To be an ambassador of the school &reach out to the community in an exemplary manner.

      To take organizance of various fee rates in the unaided schools like tuition fee, term fee or any other co-curricular or extra-curricular fees.

      To assist in coordination with government duties and other compliances from time   to time

      Helps the school in any events outside and beyond regular school functions such as organizing/monitoring intra school quiz competition science fair, community outreach, annual days, special events etc.

      Work with the parent volunteer system to plan and provide above activities and classroom activities that support the growth and skill development of students.

      Provide an “ear” to the issues concerning the parent body at large and take it up with school management for satisfactory resolutions.

      Build a sense of community at school through increased and sustained parental participation and involvement in school events.


      • When communicating with the principal. Parents are requested to mention in their letters, the Standard and Division of their child. If it relates to the siblings studying different classes. Two separate letters should be given.
      • Any Certificates endorsements, verifications from the school should be asked for three days in advance through a handwritten application to the Principal.
      • Parents are expected to cooperate with the School Authorities by enforcing punctuality. Regularity, personal cleanliness and discipline by seeing that their children prepare their lessons and by taking active and helpful interests in the activities of the School.
      • Parents should see that their children attend school regularly and in time. The school uniform and school books should be checked every day.
      • Parents should inculcate regular study habits and check on their children’s homework, in case of problems, please see the Principal during visiting hours.
      • Reports or remarks sent by the Teachers must be acted upon immediately Parents must came to collect their wards progress report card for the final exam. Progress report card will not be handed over to anybody else.
      • Criticisms of teachers or of the school in children’s presence should be avoided. You can come directly to us. Please meet the Principal regarding such matters.
      • Parents’ teachers Interaction: PTI meeting is arranged by school and should be attended by at least one parent. Parents are not allowed to contact the teachers directly during school hours. In case, such a meeting is desired by the parent, prior appointment with the class teacher should be taken.
      • If a Student is likely to be absent through illness for a longer period, the Principal must be informed within three days. Doctor’s medical certificate of fitness must be submitted to the Class Teacher on the day of resuming classes.
      • Parents and Guardians are specially requested to notify the School of any change in their address and telephone number.
      • Parents, guardians or other persons are not allowed to see the pupils or call them on telephone during School hours or interview the Teachers, while they are engaged in teaching or at their residence.
      • Parents are reminded that without their help and co-operation no significant improvement can be expected from the efforts taken by the school to mould the student’s character in the school. They are therefore intently requested to encourage regularity and discipline, to see that their children attend to the home work set, came to school in proper uniform and bring all the books required for the day’s work, every student shall endeavour to keep up the high standard and good reputation of the school by his/her good behaviour, values and department.